Sunday, 13 October 2013

Move On And Live Your Live.

Come on, let us all smile to the world. Semua org ada problem masing2 tapi kalau kita x dpt control, habis la. Don't let other people ruin your good mood. 

They complete me. I love my husband and daughter more than myself.  

Children, they are precious. X faham bila tengok org duk buang baby, dera sampai mati apa semua tu. Don't they have feelings? Look at their faces. They are innocent. Love them. Jangan anggap mereka membebankan hidup kita. Insyaa Allah, satu hari nanti mereka akan menjaga kita jika kita berjaya mendidik mereka dengan baik.

This is my baby girl. She is 2 years and 7 months. She is my strength and power. I love her so much. I hope she'll be a good, successful daughter. Aminn.