Tuesday 14 June 2011

My friend requests on FB?

  Sorry to say, I hate to approve people because I have to check one by one. I need to know who wants to be my friends. I don't simply just approve. I'll always check the mutual friends. And I hate when strangers annoys me to approve them. Wey suka hati aku la xmau approve pun. Kalau tgk mcm okay tu aku approve jela. Buat perangai x senonoh, byebye. Remove terus ja. Annoying okay.

  I got 781 friend requests more to check. Uhh. Malasnya. So, sorry la kalau lambat approve okay? Kalau nk aku approve cepat, just leave your message and introduce yourself. So aku xla mcm curious sangat.

  Aku bukan budget hot yg ramai org nk add aku. TAPI, bila dh byk sgt friend request tu, kna bgtau la jugak. Nnt kot2 ada old friends yg dh lama tggu aku approve kaaa kan? Tunggu la sat nah. Masehhh.

  Aku buat mcm 'ni' (filter ppl who added me on fb) because of strangers yg mulut bau longkang duk cari pasai. Mulut busuk, hati busuk, semua busuklah. Jealous ka apa xtau la kan. It's my life. Suka hati aku la. Nak sibuk duk judge aku itu ini knapa? Xdak kja? Ksian kot. P kumpoi botoi paihtu juai punn dpt duit. Xpun kumpoi surat habaq lama kaa kan. Berfaedah la jugak. Ni dak. Duk mengaaaaataa ja tau. Heran noh org yg suka kumpoi dosa ni. Best ka?

  Get a life la wey!! Wee. Masehh duk 'caring' terok2 pasai aku selama ni. Hahahaha.

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