I'm alone at the office, most of the time. So when I have work to do, I'll do my work. BUT if I don't have any work to do, I will be bored! Okay I'll be surfing the internet and when I don't want to surf internet anymore, I'm bored again! I will listen to music, sing out loud. And...
Buat pose gedik and totally eww. |
Weird faces. |
Another pose gedik yang gila over kot. |
Mata tiba2 jadi bengkak and sepet sebab everyday duk dpn computer. |
What do I do at my office actually?
- Make sure office is clean -- which is sapu sampah every morning.
- Check receipt and report.
- Key in daily sales data.
- Key in daily collection.
- Double check everything.
- Update figure kat whiteboard.
- Kira kira kira kira kira kiraaaaaaa...check check check...
What else? Ha, key in list customer. Ada la lagi kerja kalau Kak Mai (boss's wife) suruh buat. Dulu dia la yg buat everything. Selalu kami jela yg ada kt office. Dia more too account punya kerja. Time collection laa paling pening kepala sekali. So much to do. But, it's okay. Xdak la kerja sampai nak gila ka apa. Biasa2 jaa.
Check sales report sampai muka berminyak gila. |
Okay, nampak sgt muka fake. Pretending to check everything. |
Figure sales every sale staff ikut group. Ni baru awal bulan May. |
Emm, basically, that's it la. Malam2 sampai mimpi resit. Haha sebab tiap2 hari tgk resit. For more information, check this out:
Ha, kami kekurangan sale staff skrg so siapa yg interested, you can contact us. Income boleh sampai RM3000 (kalau rajin). You can contact me or other staff. Nak beli produk bacaan kami yg berunsur ilmiah ni, just give us a call. Boleh jugak nak mai office sendiri utk tgk produk2. Don't worry, mesti best kalau join company kami. Semua sporting. Bila sales staff dapat achieve target, kita semua p holiday! Mcm baru2 ni, p Langkawi. Enjoy gila ramai2.
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